505 W. Felix St. Fort Worth
TX 76115
Do you know how to respond to an emergency? Or what to do in a disaster?
Join us for a FREE Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training program that educates citizens about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their community and teaches basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations.
During a disaster, emergency services personnel may not be able to reach everyone immediately. You can use the specialized training and skills that you learn as a CERT volunteer to assist local emergency responders when needed.
Fort Worth CERT is holding a Basic CERT Course in March of 2024 which is open to the public.
**Attendance is required on all dates in order to obtain certification.** Pre-registration required, Ages: 18+
The dates/times are as follows:
Friday March 22nd 6pm-10pm
Saturday March 23rd 8am-6pm
Sunday March 24th 8am-6pm
Please visit our CERT Basic Course page under the training tab for more information on registering for this course.